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Our Work

At Thomas Toy Community Center, we strive to provide our community members with all the resources they seek for an enriching lifestyle. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of all that come through our doors. We couldn’t have gotten this far without your generous contributions of either financial, resources, or time. No matter how large or small, if you can your contribution is highly appreciated and allows us to expand and improve our services.




Your contribution to the local community center can create a ripple effect of positivity in the lives of the youth in your community. Donate today and make a difference that can last a lifetime.


Would you like to contribute to our community and inspire our youth by being a positive influence? We would love to have volunteers who are passionate about taking action and creating a better future. Please fill out the form below and join our mission to make a positive impact. 


Join us in harnessing the power of prayer to uplift our organization, staff, and the families we serve. Sign up for our Prayer List today.

Become a Prayer Warrior 

Our Supporters

Through the kindness and generosity of many individuals and businesses, we are transforming the youth center into a space that inspires and empowers our young community.
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Cell (209) 327-2708   Phone (209) 759-3626

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